More good news on the CANGURU-QTS-Air College Cycling Team front! It seems our young cyclists are on fire because they keep on winning.
Diel Vergrote became first in Ninove the 21st of July. Talking about a good celebration of our National Holiday!

Credits: Sophie Richez
More reason to celebrate because that same day, Sente Sentjes became 2nd in Merksplas.

Credits: Kurt Vanmeerbergen
The day after, Sente Sentjes did it again and became first in the Ruddervoorde time trial. He finished the 13,19 km course in a time of 18:12:587.

Credits: Kurt Vanmeerbergen
Dylan Vandenstorme became first in Zolder on the 25th of July. With this win, CQA added already 6 victories to their honors list since the start of the season! We are very proud of these young lions.

Credits: Kurt Vanmeerbergen

Credits: Martine Verfaille