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The 4th of september was a beautiful day for the CQA-team. Joes Oosterlinck, Stian Vanoudenhove and Thibau Dhooge all won gold that day!
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After his win the day before, Stian Vanoudenhove still had some power left in his legs which got him a second medal in the TT Memorial Igor De Craene, third place this time.

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The winner takes it all! Victor Vanneeckhoutte won both the yellow and the green jersey the 11th of September!
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The same day, Ryan Gal became second in Kontich.

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The day after, Victor made us proud again when he won the GP Vermarck 2021.

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The 18th of September, Ryan Gall took first place in the Sauerländer Bergpreis race in Wenholthausen.

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One week later, Ryan Gall won gold again in the race in Paderborn Germany.

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That same weekend, Wannes Dewulf became second in the race in Lichtervelde
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Also Joes Oosterlinck got a podiumplace that day. He became third during the PK Oost-Vlaanderen Junioren.

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Another podiumplace that day was for Sander Inion, who became second in Hooglede.

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The last podiumplace that day was for Duarte Marivoet. He won the race in Jemeppe.

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We can, once again, talk about a fruitfull month for the CQA team. Well done guys!