The young cyclists of CANGURU-QTS-Air College Cycling Team are truly motivated to make the best out of these strange times and this has some good results!
An overview from last month races.

Credits: Raf Oosterlinck
Ryan Gal got second in the Ronde van Goor the 5th of september.

Credits: Facebook
Victor Vaneeckhoute won the Omnium race in Rumbeke the 9th of September. The Omnium is a combination race existing of serveral tests. An official Omnium has 4 tests: Scratch, Tempo rounds, Rejection rounds and a Points race. Well done Victor!

Credits: Facebook
Ryan Gal did well in the Bijenkamp race at Eikbergen the 26th of september and became 2nd in the final sprint A Category.

Credits: Facebook
Wannes Dewulf got a 3th place in the Omloop Noordwest-Overrijsel the 26th of September after a strong sprint effort.

Credits: Facebook
Viggo Van Neste became 4th in the mass sprint in Escanaffles the 28th of September. He got the title of best young cyclist in the final classification and he won the white jersey in the two day race Ploegsteert - Escanaffles.

Credits: Facebook