Funguru. That's the name of the team responsible for all after work activities, teambuildings, parties, ... in short: all things fun! 🙂
Their challenge: to organize one after work event per week for our Jumpers.
They sure had a hell of a job the last few months: no bars, no bowling, no karting, no sporting, no teambuilding, no groups allowed...
However, with a little bit of creativity and the aid of today's digital world, there is nothing our Funguru's can't handle.
Within the limitations of the Covid pandemic, our Funguru team managed to successfully organize some extraordinary events, some of which were even picked up by the newspapers
• The Canguru estafette: 3 estafette sticks needed to cross the country, from Jumper to Jumper, until they reached our office in Mechelen
• The Canguthon: a perfect alternative for the canceled marathon of Rotterdam. Each Jumper was accompanied by a bubble-cyclist during this 42,2 km challenge
• The CANGURU photo bingo: post 1 CANGURU related photo per day on our Facebook page until you reach the ultimate Bingo !
• CANGURU goes culinary: guided by experienced chefs, our Jumpers create a delicious meal together every Thursday evening.
• 2 wellness challenges: during a 2 week challenge, teams competed against each other in a virtual zombie world, taking as much steps per day as possible.
• Digital gaming events.
• Virtual end-of-year event
• Canguru-social-distance Apero
• ...
In other words: a lot of activities! Read more about them on our blog.
Want to know more? Make sure to follow us on social media.